Friday, August 13, 2010

Exersaucer offer

Just a super cute video of Emmett in his new Baby Einstein exersaucer!

As for the house... we are putting an offer in today. KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED!

As for the new job... still waiting for my official offer. I'm getting impatient!

& as for the job I already have... Have you ever wondered how rumors even start? Well, just this past week I've learned exactly how petty & silly people can be when it comes to starting rumors. Just recently I told co-worker "A" that I recently had an interview. I said it went well & was waiting to hear back. Just a few days later, co-worker "R" asked if I had a new job. I said no, I had an interview & was waiting to hear back. A few days later, co-worker "T" asked me if I had a new job. I said no, I had an interview & am being considered, however a background check & drug test were pending & I was waiting to hear back. Just today, co-worker "D" asked me why I was working, because they heard that I quit.

WHAT?! You see how that escalated?

Future lesson: Keep my mouth shut!

1 comment:

  1. That's annoying! People ALWAYS talk though...seems like you can never get around it! I suppose that's the only "plus" to living hundreds of miles away with no friends. lol.

    PS - Emmett looks cute in his little exersaucer!
