Thursday, August 12, 2010


Today while I was vacuuming & picking up about 3 other small dogs worth of hair in the vacuum [damn you summer!]... I thought about how before Emmett came along Caesar was my only son. & by son I mean adopted son. My pride & joy! I took him everywhere & we played outside all of the time! & then I found baby pictures of Caesar! Yet I guess in this case those would be puppy pictures.

Any way, I feel guilty because Caesar is no longer the center of attention & sometimes I feel like I'm mean to him. So from now on, I'm going to try to be nicer. That is all.

No updates
yet on the decision about the house or my new job. I'm still waiting to hear about both. The anxiety is absolutely killing me. Any ideas on what to do while waiting?


  1. The superodg picture kills me everytime I see it haha. I wish I had a dog, but instead I'm stuck with fish. I'm sure you'll hear good news soon be it about house or job. I suggest you just try not to think about it, go for a walk, cuddle up with one of your cute sons (or both) and put on a movie.

  2. hey!! i've seen your comments on my sister's blog (laura) and totally didn't piece together that you're the same rachael with phil and emmett! i don't know if you have any idea who i am, but kp has been my best friend since elementary school and she always mentions hanging out with your little family! my husband and i are thinking about starting our own family soon and i've been putting a lot of thought into how our dogs will feel about a change like that, i'm glad to know it's normal. looking forward to hearing more about your house hunting too!

  3. AND now that i think about it, when i was at the petersen's house a few weeks ago i remember saying something about twitter and blogs and kim and kyle asked if i read yours because apparently we're both a little overboard on the social networking. haha, what a small world... :-)
