Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Falling in love with someone else.

It takes a lot of patience to be a parent. Especially to a newborn. That whole 0-3 month stage is rough. They sleep, they wake up, they cry, they eat, they poop, they cry, they sleep. Then, they sleep, they wake up, they cry, they eat, they poop, they pee on you, they laugh & smile, they cry, they pee again, they laugh, they cry, they cry, they cry, then they sleep. Then they wake up again a half hour later & eat again. It does not only drain your energy, but sometimes it can drain you emotionally.

There are emotions that are not discovered until you've become a parent. Saying this, I mean becoming a parent happily. I'm sure there may be a lot of anger & resentment otherwise. BUT, if you are actually somewhat ready (because nobody is ever really ready)& extremely excited about it, then these are the emotions I mean. You can love your parents. You can love your significant other. You can love ice cream. & you can love your job. But this new found love, for a child... your baby, well... it's completely different than all of that.

Now lets call this love "child love." Child love, at it's infant stages, tends to trump all other loves. You used to love your dog. Possibly a little too much for taste. But as soon as you get that baby home, your dog becomes your worst enemy. "Don't you bark! Don't you lick! JUST GO AWAY!" Dog love, trumped. You start to find it easier to compare your love for your child to the way you love other things. The easiest type of love to do this to, is your significant other love.

After your child is born, you begin losing your patience for the other. Sometimes you argue. Sometimes you feel left out. You see your other half playing & kissing & loving your baby, and you wonder... why not me? Why are you not playing & kissing & loving on me anymore? It's a surefire way to hurt someone's feelings. & it's not because they've stopped loving you. It's because their love for that new baby trumped their love for you. So instead of going out of their way to hug & kiss you every morning, like they used to, they hug & kiss their new baby. Their love for you has been trumped. It can sometimes hurt. It can sometimes burn. But it happens.

The only thing you can do to help this situation is to remind your partner that "Hey! Hon, hey! I'm over here. You haven't kissed me yet. I'd like some, too." But overall, I think you should be thankful. People these days, well... it's just hard to find someone who actually loves their child w/ that kind of love. Sad to say, I know. But it's true.

1 comment:

  1. Look how loved that boy is, you can see it in his face! You and Phil make awesome parents I can just tell :)
