Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Humidity makes everything smell like pee.

It's been awhile... so here I am!

Latest time consuming obsession...

Phil & I have finally indulged ourselves into the show Lost. I know, the final season just aired & now the show is over... but we really didn't have any interest in it till now. To be honest, a lot of these T.V. shows that have been made lately have been highly disappointing to me. So instead of getting halfway into one, just to find out it sucks, I've been avoiding them all completely. But Lost, man... it's an addicting show! I won't expel any of the theories I have quite yet, as we only begun the 2nd season, but if you'd like to tell me some of your 1st/2nd season beginners theories that you had during the show, leave a comment!

Latest non-time consuming obsession...

Beer. & not even the feeling of being drunk, which I've barely been since I've been un-pregnant. It's pretty much just the taste. I've craved it so badly for 9 months, that now that I can have it... I WANT IT! I'm so sick of Coke & juice & water & milk. It's all I drank while I was pregnant. Now that I have no fetus to worry about, I can't stop having at least one a night! It's probably not good for my post-partum dieting, but I've cut out pretty much anything else worth enjoying already. Don't take away my beer! I don't know what it is about the bitter, malty, hoppy taste that gets me!

How I am dieting...

So I cut out the normal snack type foods. No more sweets, cookies, or chips. Instead I eat whole wheat crackers & low fat popcorn. It's a super good & healthy alternative. Not to mention, not letting myself have those unhealthy things, it's really cut down on my snacking. I'm limiting my carb/pasta intake, as well. I'm trying to eat less of that, & more of a protein (steak, chicken or sausage) with a side of a vegetable (mostly dark green stuff, like green beans, snap peas, etc.) or a potato. I'm also refusing soda, with the occasional diet soda in it's place. But, we never buy diet soda, so that would be saved for eating out. Which, eating out is also something we rarely do. So it works!

Any of you guys ever had to lose a lot of weight? If so, comment with any tips or advice! I've never even had to lose a little bit of weight, so this sucks!

My first day on the job...

Yesterday, Monday, was my first day back to work & at HyVee! To sum it up to say the least, it was awesome to be out of the house, away from the little family (whom I love but needed to temporarily be away from), and out in the world of making money! It felt super good! I was worried about how my "sore-ness" would hold up through out the night, but I honestly didn't get too bad until close to an hour before we closed. That was probably the most activity I've done in a LONG time, & I loved it. The girls I worked with were super nice, which is a plus. I even made my first fruit pizza! Granted I'm sure it looked hideous & will rot on the shelf, it's still a start. I can already tell I'll like this a lot.

If you didn't hear the news, I got the job in the salad bar @ HyVee on East 53rd... I started yesterday! & I love it!

Latest pet peeve...

Just recently I heard something not-so-great about one of my family members. I won't go into too much detail, but I heard they purposely made another family member feel bad for their unfortunate circumstances. This hurts me pretty bad. I can not believe that a family could ever act this nasty to each other. I mean, seriously. Way to kick someone while they're already down, huh? Most normal families would send best wishes, or offer to help. No, my family publicly ridicules them, & makes them feel like shit... probably even more so then they did to begin with.

I mean, how could you be so cold, heartless, & cruel? It's always been like that though... some people in the family think so highly of themselves that they feel no remorse poking fun & hurting the feelings of others. Pardon my French, but it's FUCKED up. & honestly, I'm starting to have huge doubts about the involvement I want for my family.

I mean, I just had a son. & I've gotten recognition for it from maybe... 2, 3 family members? My own brother didn't even give me any congratulations. How is that supposed to make me feel? I mean, in all honesty he probably just thinks I'll screw this up, since he thinks I've screwed everything else in my life up. I'm just sick of it.

Even grown ass people need to follow this rule: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. & Treat people how you would want to be treated.

Because I'm almost positive that if you fell into some rough times, you'd want encouragement... not ridicule.

Okay, that rant is over, & so is this post.


  1. I really wish I could tell you my Lost theories from seasons one and two, but that was so long ago, I really don't remember.
    You're lucky in a way, because you don't have to wait for commercials, or in between seasons. But then again, you're less lucky because that show became a part of my life. I spent six years devoted to it, and I love it so much.
    If you're interested, I'm a big fan of Ack Attack's recaps. She's been doing Lost recaps for several years, and they're always really funny and informative. She started around season 3, I think, but has done recaps on a few particular episodes.
    Here are the ones I think you'll be interested right at this point. If you ever feel like wasting a day, reading through all of the ones on episodes you've already seen, you can search around. I'd be wary of looking at the banners of other recaps, because they give things away, but most of them will probably just confuse you.
    I was a HUGE Jack fan during the first season, but then he got all whiny and cried a lot and when Desmond came along, I never looked back. I'm just warning you, she HATES Jack. Haha!

    About weight loss, I lost 20 pounds by limiting my calories. But I never denied myself sweets, because it is so easy for me to lose my resolve and binge eat a ton of sweets if I start to feel deprived. I successfully weaned myself away from excess sugar and soda by just taking a little less every day. Mike gave up soda for lent and I just went along with it, since I had no choice, and now, I don't even order my own soda when we eat out. He orders one and we share.
    I did fall off the wagon around Thanksgiving of last year, and I have been struggling to regain the willpower I once had. It's been a really slow process.
    There are the main points I can give:
    Everything in moderation is my mantra. If I want cookies, ok, but I can only have one and a bunch of water to go with it (since I hate milk).
    Count your bites. This is something I'm still working on, but the more time it takes to eat, the sooner your body will tell you it's full.

    Also, if you ever want an exercise partner, hit me up! We can go on long walks in pretty places. Chester needs to lose some weight, too. Haha!

  2. You have no idea how jealous I am of you right now that you get to drink alcohol!!! I've been craving wine and beer sooo much. From the moment we conceived though I refused to drink alcohol until I took a pregnancy test (just in case I was pregnant) so I'm proud to say I haven't given in...even in the early days. I told Andrew last night he should bring me a bottle of Reisling to the birth so I could have a glass immediately after labor, but we both know that's not really realistic! :) I will be having one as soon as I get home though! He better have purchased something for me to drink! I just need one glass and I'll be ok.

    As for weight loss...

    I got my degree in Health and Sports Studies - Health Promotion track. I took lots of classes on nutrition, weight loss, exercise, etc. I'm also a certified personal trainer. I would be happy to give you any advice you want. I'll say the basics now though and if you want any more specific information just message me and I can try to help you out more.

    1. Drink lots of water. I'm sure you've heard this, but it really is helpful in making you feel fuller longer as well as getting your system cleaned out.

    2. Eat frequently. You should eat 6 small-medium meals a day. It obviously depends on the calorie, fat, and fiber content but that's the gender rule of thumb. Eat a good sized breakfast, a snack a couple hours later, a good sized lunch, snack a few hours later, and then a well-balanced dinner and a snack/dessert an hour or two later depending on what time you eat dinner and go to bed.

    3. Eat more fruits and vegetables. It can be hard to get the 5 a day in if you're not used to doing it so start slow. If you normally have 2 servings a day, start trying for 3 a day. If you overdo it on fruit you will end up with some horrible digestive issues because of too much fiber. Fiber is your friend, but too much can be a bad thing if your body isn't used to it. Remember also that fiber is not actually absorbed into your system so foods high in fiber actually takes out some of the calories that are included in your meal. Carbohydrates are normally 4 calories per gram, but fiber is a type of carbohydrate so that's where that whole part comes into play. I hope that makes sense.

    4. Eat protein. If you like meat, eat lean cuts of meat. Its fine to eat red meats, but they have a lot of saturated fat so limit them. Nuts also help with protein, but are high in saturated fat so 1-2 servings a day of nuts and/or peanut butter is good. Nuts, peanut butter, and avocado are all "good fats" so never feel shame in eating them as long as you eat them in moderation still. Protein also helps you feel full longer, but if you're hungry you're hungry so don't expect a handful of nuts to tide you over if you actually need a full meal.

    I suppose that's good for some advice as of now. Those are just some tips that I'm sure you've heard, but it really is helpful if you follow it. I had Andrew start my drinking more water and increasing his fruit/veggie intake and he started losing weight right away without counting calories or anything.

    If all else fails and you have the money, I HIGHLY recommend Weight Watchers! I absolutely love it. I used to do it and I still have the information for it so I plan to follow it religiously after the baby again. I had an eating disorder my senior year of high school and after losing too much weight I had to gain it all back which was difficult. I put on more weight than my starting weight prior to the disorder so I started going to WW with my mom to get back to a healthy weight. It taught me good eating habits and pushed me to the field of Health Promotion.

    PS - Congrats on the job! I'm glad you're liking it so far!
