Monday, May 3, 2010

Why I'd rather walk in the cemetary.

Lately Caesar & I have been taking walks. We're hoping that by doing this, I can strengthen my legs, start losing weight, & get the baby in the right position.

I live across the street from a cemetery, & mortuary. Sounds morbid, but let me explain to you why I'd rather walk through a cemetery than a park.

  • The grass is always greener. No, I'm dead serious. It is. There aren't little kids running around on it. & though I don't walk through it, & Caesar isn't allowed on the grass (I don't want him stepping all over graves), it's still that much more pleasant to look at.
  • It's quiet. Peaceful, even. You get a rare buzz of a vehicle, but no people yelling, no kids screaming, there are no other dogs for Caesar to run after. I can just be 9 months pregnant, & walk my dog in peace.
  • There are trash cans everywhere. Mainly for when maintenance has to go around & clean up rotting decorations. But, at least I know if Caesar poops I don't have to carry the little blue bag around all day.

But, the other day, we walked behind the mortuary to get home instead. Now, I'm not superstitious or anything of the sort, but it smelled funny. The ground was being pounded, probably to make room for more graves. There was the maintenance house, & a creepy view of stacked coffins.

Well, Caesar & I found something else. A hole in the ground, that did not look man-made. It was big enough that if he had wanted (which trust me, he didn't), Caesar could of walked right down into the earth.

I'm not sure what kind of animal could have made that. Ground hog, large gopher, a pack of wild rabbits? Shit, I thought if we stood there too long, an anaconda would of snapped it's head right out of there & had Caesar in his belly in one gulp. What I do know, is that the smell emitting from the hole was foul, & smelled like rotting carcass. Creepy, none the less.

But I plan to keep walking as much as I can. My due date is a little over a week away, & I'd like to be ready.

APPOINTMENT UPDATE Went to the midwives today. I'm still 80% effaced & 1 cm dilated. My contractions are getting much stronger, to the point that my rib cage crushing down onto my taught uterus is causing what feels like stomach pain. I've been taking Maalox just in case it is some bad indigestion. Now, I pretty much just wait until my water breaks, or that I get contractions bad enough I can't stand. I'm pretty much just going to sleep & walk as much as I can this next week. I'm huge, extremely sore, & incredibly tired.


  1. i hope it all goes fast from here for baby to come!
    keep walking, wild sex make sure he cums in you. its good at this point and even a good tip if you have a breast pump pump each boob for about 30 min, other wise you or phil play with your nipples. i also hear 1 beer will help... did this all and less then 24 hours wes came. just a tip. try it maybe it will work!?

  2. I doubt my body will respond to any kind of stimulation until my little man is ready to come out. I guess your little man was just not as stubborn & much more excited to see the world than mine. lol

  3. wow congrats for the coming baby. Anyway, thanks for visiting my site. You have a nice blog here. keep posting:)
