Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I've been calling Emmett a piglet so often these days that I'm thinking he's starting to repeat it. I mean, the kid is up to almost 3 oz's a feeding, & he isn't sleeping any longer!

Check out the cuteness...

Today we're watching Rookie of the Year. I have yet to buy Emmett any Cub's paraphernalia, & I haven't been able to watch any games due to the fact we cancelled cable in order to make our lives simpler & more productive. & even though it's helped, I'm still totally missing the baseball season this year & it sucks! Emmett seems to like this movie, too. :)

Yesterday my Mom brought my niece Emma over to see her cousin Emmett. She insisted on helping feed him. She's quite good at baby keeping (future babysitter?), but I don't think Emmett was convinced.

His face screams, "Good God help me." LOL!


The whole getting back to work thing is starting to freak me out. I've been applying a few places in the last couple days. What I'm hoping is getting into something like HyVee, where I can have a more flexible schedule. I can't imagine now, leaving my baby. But I know I have to, & I know I have to soon.

Did any other new Mommies have problems leaving their little ones?


  1. So so cute! That's funny that you call Emmett piglet. That's an old nickname of mine! I told Andrew I was going to call our baby piglet if he/she fit the script, but all he said was "don't say she, he's a boy". lol. Men. We'll see in 2 weeks though! I almost want it to be a girl just so that I can laugh and tell him I told you so. :)

    PS - your default picture of you and Emmett with that smile on his face is priceless!!! It seems like you're doing great as a mother!

  2. YAY! 2 more weeks, that's so exciting. I had that upset-excited-stomach feeling waiting for my 20 week ultrasound.

    Being a mother is turning out to feel a lot more natural than I thought it would.

    & he is a little piglet. The noises he makes reminds me of one!
