Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy Mommy

In spite of my cranky rant yesterday, today is going to be much more pleasant, I promise. :)

Last night as we quietly tip toed to bed (you have to tip toe when you don't want to wake up a baby who was hell-in-a-box to get to sleep), Phil & I laid whispering to each other, as we always do before trying to get some sleep.

Me: I love being a mommy.
Phil: I can tell.
Me: How can you tell?
Phil: I just can...
Me: But how? (I always press on things... I'm so annoying)
Phil: It's just... your aura.

First off, I will not condemn Phil for using 'your aura' in a sentence. Mainly because if I really do radiate happiness when I'm with my child, then I'm very content.

I have yet to understand how parents can beat their kids, or shake their babies. Sure, it's frustrating, but the last treatment I can even imagine using is violence. I guess my frustration turns into compassion, because instead of getting mad I just want to make sure he's comfortable. Then again, I've always awed myself with my patience levels.

Phil & Emmett, my love bugs!

Phil recently 'went back to work.' If you know what Phil does for a living, it's not so much being here nor there, for work. But the next few weeks it'll be just Emmett & I. I'm not the least bit nervous or scared. I have most of my health back, bleeding is down. The pain is still there, but a few pain killers & I'm okay. Though, I do miss him. & I'm sure Phil is missing Emmett real bad.

Between 10:30am & 12:30pm Emmett refuses to nap. At first I thought something was wrong! But yesterday I popped in Return of the King, gave him a binky, stuck him in his bouncer & he was quite content. He stared in the direction of the T.V. for the longest time. I'm guessing he could hear the movie, & was amused.

We're currently watching Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince

What cracks me up the most are newborn reflexes. At first, newborns smile out of reflex. When Emmett gives us these pseudo-smiles, they are almost always followed by a look of deep concern or discontent. It's hilarious! I'm not quite quick enough so almost all of my pictures end up with him looking like a nervous wreck.

& now my last picture of this blog...

"Just cause I don't eat outta 'em doesn't mean I don't like 'em!"

I finally caught that smile... I'm thinking this one may not be a fake. :)

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