Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 1st

I just wanted to take a quick moment to post a little something about today.

Today is May 1st, 2010. The reason this is so significant to me, is because no matter what, my baby will be born this month.

I remember thinking, 4 months to go. 3 months to go. 2 months to go.
But now, it's more like: Weeks to go? Any day now? Any moment now?

In what I hope will be much less than a month, with my due date being May 12th, I will meet the small man in which I've shared my body, my bodily functions, my meals, my slips, trips, falls, gas, & love with for the past 9 months.

I no longer have room to be selfish.
I no longer care about being cool. Looking cool.
Nothing matters anymore, except being a good mom, & being a good girlfriend.

That's what May 1st, 2010 means to me.

Baby boy Pracht, we can not wait to meet you. You have absolutely no idea how many people are out here, waiting for you. You have no idea how many hearts & hands want to reach out to you & embrace you. You have no idea about the powerful love that your terrified mother & brave father have been harboring for months now. You have no idea about all the amazing things you'll get to learn, & do, & the awesome amount of grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, & friends you'll get to do it all with.

I love you, baby boy Pracht. & I can't wait until you are ready to meet me.

Love always,

Your very happy, terrified, & anxious mommy.

1 comment:

  1. That was absolutely fucking beautiful. Tear jerker for sure. You are going to be an outstanding mother and you and your child are going to have a bond thats going to be outa this world. You're a beautiful person, Phil and your son are beyond blessed to have you. <3
