Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I'm finding new things to love about this insanely chaotic new life of mine.

First off, Phil is the most amazing new Dad I've ever seen. He does everything so naturally without any anger or frustration. & it all comes naturally. I'm really starting to learn a lot from him.

He also helps with my frustrations. He cheers me on as being a good Mom, even when I'm doubting my abilities. Though I do have to admit, that a lot of what I have been doing has come more naturally to me than I would of expected. It's like, instinct took over for me.

My biggest issue right now is breast feeding. Emmett & I are not in sync with this special little dance. Right now I'm having to pump & supplement formula to make sure he's getting what he needs. I guess the most frustrating thing is that mother's who do breastfeed tend to say things that shouldn't make you feel bad (aka: advice) but end up frustrating you & making you feel even worse. It's like, I know it's better for him. I know it's the natural way. I know, I know, I know. But what else can I do but try, & do what I can for him until everything works out?

In other words, as much as I appreciate the advice, some of the comments get to me. & right now, the last thing I need is any more stress or anxiety. I'm still learning so much. & I love my baby very, very much. & to have any notion that I am hurting him or withholding something dear from him is absolutely heart breaking.

Another extremely aggravating thing... PUPPP. It's a rash that forms on the stretched out skin that pregnant woman suffer from. Mine has gotten extremely terrible & it's everywhere. I'm constantly itching. The pain from that is making things feel even more overwhelming. I'm going to try to bathe with baking soda & use this soap my mom found called Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap. She said she looked it up online & found that many women who suffered from PUPPP used it & it helped them successfully. Cross your fingers, I'd rather not take any hard antibiotics or antihistamines!

Okay, that's enough of that. I say on to the cuteness!

He's so independent, he told me the other day that I don't have to tire myself out holding things for him. He's already got a good grip on his binky & his bottle. :)

We love our bouncer, but newborn necks are just too unstable. So Phil rigged up this contraption to keep his head from falling into his ass. So far, so good.

I love my new little life, & my new little family. :)


  1. "So Phil rigged up this contraption to keep his head from falling into his ass."-I just DIED laughing. My mom couldn't breast feed my brother or me; he sucked her dry and I wouldn't latch on. You're doing everything you possibly can for the little guy and I think that's amazing.

    I also want to say KUDOS to you for not giving just this little glamorous view of pregnancy and post what it's REALLY like. It's great to get a view on it :)

    PS He gets cuter every picture I see !

  2. & see! You didn't turn out a mutant! You turned out a very normal human being! Now I feel better. lol. But seriously, I'm trying as hard as I can!

    & girl, that's what this blog is all about. I don't sugar coat what's going on. If I'm scared to poop after giving birth, everyone can know. If I have the rash the size of Texas covering the stretch marks from my stomach, people can know. It's sad when people try to hide this stuff!


    & I think it's because he gets cuter every day. :)

  3. We pumped and supplemented with formula with both of the girls, and it hurt my feelings too when someone would act all high and mighty like breastfeeding was so easy. Our problem was (watch out, here comes the TMI stuff) my nippular areas (no, that's not a real word) were too big for Ella and evie's mouths, so they couldn't latch on right until they were close to a month old. But I kept trying and figured out how to get hem to open their mouths really wide to get the whole "thing" in and eventually it worked. I know it sounds weird, but I would have no problem helping you figure out what works for Emmett if you want (if we weren't talking about babies that might sound more like a porn set up...) :) and I'm with you, you're doing everything you can and he will be a super awesome kid no matter what he gets for food at this point!

  4. As awkward as that would of sounded to me prior to giving birth, I would have no problem taking advice & trying to figure out what will work with him. I have the small large range nippular area problem, as well. & he's got a big mouth, It's just hard to stuff that sucker in there.

    But for sure, after as many people looking at my crotch, butt, & boobs for about 3 days straight I have no problem with dignity anymore.

    Thank you so much for your support! It's highly appreciated! I just don't want to get too down on myself. Too many hormones running around...

  5. I had to use a shield with Maddie at the beginning and still do sometimes because of big let down which was hard for her when she was much smaller. Hang in there you can do it :)
