Sunday, May 16, 2010

Emmett's First Night Home

I'd like to say that Phil & I successfully survived our first night @ home along with Emmett. & that as scared as we were, it was surprisingly easier than television or other moms made it seem. I'm sure I'm in for some nasty surprises later on, but for now I don't mind being extremely groggy waking up every few hours. I guess it's just knowing that I get to see his adorable little face. :)

That was taken this morning after his breakfast. It's so amazing seeing his body finally occupy all those little outfits I'd chosen, washed, folded, and neatly put away for months.

How I'm Feeling Postpartum I'm upset that I didn't have them weigh me before I left the hospital because I was curious. My stomach isn't looking so bad. It still has that red itchy rash on it, but it's slowly fading. & my tummy still has that extremely stretched lived-in look. I have to wait at least this week out before I can start doing my exercises to help fix up my ab muscles.

As for the pain, well, below... ouch. I'm absolutely terrified for my first... actual deuce. & even though I know it's healing it's still quite frustrating. Let me explain...

Phil is the most amazing daddy I've ever seen. & he is more than happy to take on most of if not all of the duties. I know he's helping me out because he knows I need to heal, but I feel quite useless. I try to do as much as I can, but most of the time I feel it's not enough. I don't know if this is the baby blues stage of the postpartum mood swings, but I can't wait until I can help out more.

Anyway, I'm going to leave you with this 3 minute video of Phil & I rightly being the most naturally narcissistic any two humans could possibly be & get away with it.

Enjoy! :)


  1. He's already cuter than he was before! Look at those adorable cheeks! :) Glad your first night home went well. I'm sure it will get tough eventually, but one day he'll sleep through the entire night and things will be normal again.

    I'll have to take your word for it on the weight thing. 7-8lbs to 9lbs 8oz is a big difference! Hopefully they get ours at least close to right!

  2. Even my friend who got a 41 weeks ultrasound down because she was over due got a wrong estimate! They guessed 8.6 lbs, & he was only 7.11. Not as wrong as mine, but still mine was only by 'feel.'

    lol, I assume just don't even guess. Just wait & see.

  3. congratulations on a beautiful baby boy I am soo proud of the three of you looks like you are having the time of your life

    Love Cyndi

  4. Oh Rachael, he is so cute!
    and such a big baby! congrats to you and phil!

    but please rachael, dont work out for a few weeks even with the stitches... I had stitches all the way up on wall down there... with roy about 1 week after i had him we thought a 3 hour walk would be okay to do... (because the wonderful military docs never told us not to work out for the first 6 weeks or try not too) and i was in more pain then i could imagine. just trying to help...

    also the whole sleep thing, i have wonderful tips on helping him sleep through the night, both my boys slept all night long both by the time they where a month and half old.

  5. Thanks for that advice. I don't plan on taking any 3 mile hikes, though. Haha!

    Any tips & advice are completely welcome! :)

  6. Oh my goodness Rachael he is FARRR too cute he's going to be a little heart breaker
