Thursday, May 20, 2010

1 week postpartum

Okay, so this post won't have any cute pictures of the 'lil guy, mainly because we're a busier household than before. Plus I've been procrastinating on getting these thank you/birth announcement cards out. So let me catch you up!

  • Emmett only likes to poop once every two days. Doctor said for now, it must be normal. As much as it did worry us, they said he is perfectly fine & will regulate the older he gets. So for now, lets count our blessing. (& our diapers!)
  • Breastfeeding is still rough. I've borrowed an electric pump from the nice people over @ the WIC office, but even with that my body is proving inefficient. I'm hoping with all this pumping I start to get something good a'flowin'.
  • We're sleeping 2 and a half hours at a time before waking up & needing feeding. Phil & I are getting used to it, & learning that we are indeed still functional. WOO!
  • This rash, I believe, has hit it's peak & may be ready to calm down. Thank GOD! I thank my Mom, baking soda, Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap, & lots of hydro-cortisone cream.

Other than that, being a mommy is proving to be a lot more fun & rewarding than I've seen it made out to be. I love my son with all my heart, & I couldn't have ask for a better baby.

As for Phil... still amazing. I don't know what I'd do without him. He's such a natural daddy! It's like, this was made for him!

I promise my next post will be full of pictures & stories & interesting stuff. Love you guys!

P.S. I was 187 lbs at time of birth. I am now down to 163. Not too shabby! :)


  1. Glad your Beyonce is good to you ;) !

  2. Its only been a week dont get frustrated with losing weight too fast almost 25lbs i think that is good job! Breast feeding will help that weight go away, glad too hear that baby Emmett is ok with only pooping once every two days i remember Jevin was one of the projectile vomiting babies that had to get switched to soy i dont think i owned a shirt that didnt have a yellow puke stain on the shoulder but it comes with being a mommy and sounds like you are doing a wonderful job!! Congrats again!
