Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Ninth Month: pain of a fatty

So, I'm entering the last (& lets hope shortest) month of pregnancy. It's literally the month I thought would never, ever get here. But here I am, pre-heated, basted, roasted, and about to serve up a heaping helping of adorableness.

Week 36

He should be about 6 pounds now, and almost 20 inches long. If he were born this month, he'd still be considered preterm. Though, he's only one week away from being considered full term.

Symptoms I'm suffering from..

much stronger & sometimes painful fetal movement.

occasional headaches, faintness, & dizziness

extreme nasal congestion

leg cramps

enormous amounts of backache

extreme pelvic discomfort

slight swelling of the extremities

stretch marks

difficulty sleeping w/ very frequent urination

increasing Braxton Hicks contractions, & some slightly painful true contractions

extreme clumsiness & difficulty getting around

Things I can't get off my mind..

Will I ever be my regular weight again?

Will I be a good mom?

Can I balance working full time, being a full time mother, & a full time girlfriend at the same time?

Will we be able to afford everything we & he needs?

Will he be a sick baby, will he sleep & eat okay?

Will Phil still love me as much as he claims to now?

Will I ever feel attractive again?

Will he still find me attractive?

& the biggest worry..

Will he make it through labor?

Either way, I'm getting real anxious to meet my son. I have a feeling, no matter what may arise or how we may feel about his arrival, that we are all going to love each other very much. How can you deny a face like this?

(not MY ultrasound, but I'm sure he probably looks similar by now..)

1 comment:

  1. You will be a great mother and Phil will love you just as much if not more after he sees how well you care for the baby! Just remember to show him attention too and I'm sure everything will be ok.

    I take it you are going to try for a natural childbirth? I don't think I could do it! If you do, I wish you the best of luck and I think that's great. I watch A Baby Story on TLC all the time and about half of those women do the natural birth. I think I'd be too cranky/anxious/moody to handle it w/o drugs!
