Friday, April 23, 2010

My Adventures On Bedrest: Day 1 (4/23/2010)

Day 1

This morning I woke up @ 7:00 am.

Why did I wake up so early, with absolutely nothing on my agenda? Because all night I had been having to pee inside of a funnel, & had to pour it into big orange jug to refrigerate it.

Why, you must be asking yourself. Because I had to do the famous 24 hour test, of course! Because of my high blood pressure, they wanted to dig a little deeper by checking 24 hours worth of urine. You'd be surprised what piss can say about a person.

Anyway, having to walk back & forth from the fridge to the bathroom is more of a chore then it sounds. I constantly had to pour every last drop into this stupid container. & when you pee as much as I do, it's just time consuming. But, hopefully it will give us a little insight on what's going on.

Besides having to get up in the middle of the night to pee 4 times & having to make sure it was refrigerated, I got a pretty restful night. I started my day out right with a big bowl of Fruit Loops, a big glass of milk, and a cup of coffee with French vanilla creamer.

Phil didn't wake up until about a quarter to 9.

I had to make sure I turned my pee pee jug into the lab at the hospital before noon. I was happy to know Phil's sessions didn't start until 1 or so. That is, or so we thought. He had to duck out early, & I was left to take the icky container all by my lonesome. When I got there, they informed me they also had to draw blood. The nurses never said anything about it, so it was a surprise, but I didn't really mind.

I used to work @ the lab a few years ago, so I got to see a few people I hadn't talked to since I left there! Made me realize how much I missed that place, & most of the people. However, I am sick of all the lab work being done. My poor arms aren't looking too nice.

Anyway, enough about pee, blood, & labs. Here is something that keeps me amused day in & day out, bed ridden or not. My dog. If you are unaware or haven't met him, he's a character. His name is Caesar. He is a 1 year old miniature Shetland sheepdog. AKA: mini-Lassie He's very shy, reserved, weird, & eccentric. Lately he's been doing this goofy thing where he assaults his toy duck, which in turn takes out his territorial frustrations. Like I said, he's weird. & he doesn't like people walking in our halls, or other dogs walking outside. It pisses him off. & this is what he does to take out that anger:

By this time I had snacked on a chocolate chip granola bar, some original Lay's chips, and a small glass of cherry Kool-Aid.

This next part are just some tid-bits I did through out the day. I don't have cable, so I watch all my entertaining shows via my Dell Inspiron mini. So every day I'll take a picture of the weird set-up I have to do in order to watch my shows. :)

As you can see we have my Dell Inspiron Mini, my $5 speakers, my cute little USB purple mouse, my cell phone, & my box of tissues.

What I watched:

  • The Office - Secretary's Day
  • Extreme Makeover: Home Edition - The Hill Family
  • Extreme Makeover: Home Edition - The Mattingly Family
  • The Basketball Diaries

What I listened to:

  • Local Natives - Gorilla Manor
  • Beach House - Teen Dream

For lunch I whipped up a fresh batch of Spaghettios (or happiness in a can, as I call it), a Gala apple, 2 Little Debbie star crunches, some original Lay's chips, & a can of Coca Cola.

I decided that a small, easy project would be able to take up some of my time. I remember trying to stuff an important document into our bedside table, where we store many important documents, & it was a filthy mess. So, I emptied it out, & reorganized it. I thought, "Well hey! Since I'm organizing junk drawers, I might as well do the kitchen one, too." So I did.

I know they don't look particularly organized, but if you had seen them before, you'd know.

It was a rainy day, with not much to do. As you can tell by my post. When Phil got home I made us some Velveeta shells & cheese, hot dogs w/ ketchup & mustard, a star crunch and a can of Coca Cola. We watched a movie, played with a surprise I'll tell you about tomorrow, & then went to bed.

Thanks for spending my first full day of bedrest with me!

Stayed tuned tomorrow for Day 2!


  1. Sounds like quite the adventure! I hope I don't end up being on bedrest...or if I do, not for too long. I've been on it before (for a different reason) and even a week was too much. At least you have all these social networking sites to keep you occupied though!

    By the way, I'm placing a bet with myself that you give birth by May 2nd. Don't ask why I picked that date, I just did. lol.

  2. Actually, May 2nd would be perfect. My niece (who is 4) told me today that I was going to give birth tomorrow. She said because Grammy Cindy (my mom) doesn't have to work Tuesday, & that she can come over & hold her cousin. Hahaha, I was like, oh! Okay then!

  3. Gameboy colour? WIN.
