Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Daytrotter's Barnstormer III: Day 1 @ the kick off show!

You guys remember how much I've been complaining that I never get to do anything fun? Well, I finally got to leave the house! Even the city! I went to the first night of Daytrotter's Barnstormer III tour!

Daytrotter is a well established website with it's street team stationed in Rock Island, IL that provides you with a source for new music discovery & free MP3 downloads from the best emerging bands.

Barnstormer is the term used when Daytrotter packs up a handful of amazing bands and sends them sailing through the mid-west, stopping @ fun barn venues & other amazing places to offer a night of fun & music.

Last night was my very first barnstormer experience, even though there have already been two before this one. The bands on tour this week are Nathaniel Rateliff, Pearly Gate Music, Free, Energy, Ra Ra Riot, & Delta Spirit.

Now, unfortunately due to very annoying events, my camera wasn't cooperating properly. I salvaged what photos I could to show you today. I also managed to snag a clip of Free Energy's set, so enjoy!

The show was thrown @ the historic Octagonal Barn in West Liberty, IA. It was a two story barn, & the show & stage were set upstairs. Lots of fun, not so lots of toilet paper.

The set-up was really impressive. Most of the photos were from early on in the night. The entire stage & upstairs of the barn was pretty much packed by the middle of the night.

The barn was set off the side of a gravel road. It was one of those creepy chainsaw massacre type of deals.

& now for the fun clip of Free Energy. As you'll notice, by this time it was PACKED!

I totally suggest crashing one of these parties if you ever get the chance. It was a ton of fun!

And In Baby News... still no adorable offspring in my arms. Today I turned 38 weeks. I'm getting increasingly impatient. What's on tomorrow's agenda, since I used today to recover from last night? Book hunting! If you have any good suggestions, I'd appreciate it!


  1. Tuesdays With Morrie is an awesome but emotional read (even my brother got choked up when he read it), A million little pieces is pretty good too. Now for the teeny girl in me I am about to restart reading the sisterhood of the travelling pants books

  2. I gotta stay away from anything emotional. Haha, I'm already a huge blubbery mess!
