Wednesday, April 21, 2010

37 weeks!

So, today finally marks the full term spectrum of my pregnancy. If my baby were born today, he'd be considered full term. I had a midwife appointment at 8:15 this morning, & here is what we did & what we found out.

The first blood pressure check was high.
They did the Group C Strep test.
& to my newly impregnated mama's out there... when they say rectal exam, they don't mean it. They told me a rectal swab, and I freaked. They barely brushed that sucker near my crack. So, don't be alarmed! The worst of the examinations was the cervical! It hurt VERY bad.
Because of my high blood pressure, they also drew blood to check my liver enzymes.
If that comes back too abnormal, they may consider delivering him earlier.
While they were down there... they did a cervical exam. They show me at 80% effaced (thinned out) & almost 1 cm dilated. I say almost, because a whole cm dilation is considered by being able to fit your finger inside. But, it was a tight squeeze, so we're saying almost.
She also observed him via palpitation. He's most definitely head down. His butt curves up to my belly button on my right side. (This allows my right side to always look lopsided. Thanks, hon.)
They guesstimated him at about 7 lbs 4 ozs. Which is MUCH better than I thought.

Either way, I'm here at home until he's born making sure I don't stress myself out & I keep my blood pressure low. Let's hope he comes quicker than I expect, before I die of boredom!

I'll keep you guys posted!


  1. Exciting! I hope everything goes well! I can't wait to see what the little guy looks like! Any day now! Are you excited? Nervous? Scared? I don't know how I'll feel when that time comes for me.

  2. Exciting!!! Hope it all goes well!
    You should have him Friday. It's pm the coolest day ever. =)
