Monday, September 13, 2010

Ah, the weekend.

Another successful week of work is done, & I have 11 weeks left of training. It sounds like way too much, & trust me, I'm ready to know everything & be in production where I'm eligible for overtime & double time-and-a-half paid holidays. Ch'yeah! But, patience is a virtue, & I still have plenty to learn.

This weekend was great! Friday night Phil & I bought snacks, a few drinks, finished off the last season of Trailer Park Boys, & went to bed. Saturday we cleaned the apartment, which desperately needed it, & then my Ma & I went shopping. That night our friends Morgan & Jef came over with their son Baiden & we ate pizza & watched the movie, "The Crazies." Lame, lame movie.

Sunday Phil had sessions so Emmett & I hung around the apartment, & then we went over to his sister Maggie & brother-in-law Sean's house for their middle child Sloane's birthday. She turned 2! Then we came home, had a few more drinks, & watched a few seasons of Ghost Hunters. Super relaxing.

Just to remind you, Baiden is Emmett's first & bestest friend. They were born barely a day apart.

If you've never heard of Trailer Park Boys, it's a ridiculous Canadian comedy about 3 guys, Ricky, Julian, & Bubbles, & their never-ending stupid schemes at getting rich quick & retiring. It's absolutely hilarious & you should at least check out their website by clicking here.

Friday, during the night, Caesar decided to remind us of how dirty our apartment is. He chewed up 2 of Emmett's bottles, & Emmett's favorite binky. He also pooped in our living room & tore apart the trash. Sometimes I think he gets just as stressed about the mess & clutter as I do, but working 40+ hours a week makes it hard to balance time for work, time for Emmett, time for myself, & time for everything else. So, we finally scrubbed the place spotless. I can't guarantee it'll stay this way, but it's good enough for now. I can't wait until we get into our house, it'll be so much more inspiring to keep clean.

As far as baby bottles go, I can't stress enough to people that you don't have to buy the most expensive thing ever. Emmett spits up every now & then, but mostly he has no problems. & he has no issues using Walmart's Mothers Choice 97cent bottles. When you have a dog, are forgetful, & live in utter chaos like we do, it hurts a lot more losing a $13 bottle, compared to losing or accidentally destroying a 97cent one. But, its your call...

A few goals for this week are to keep this apartment clean, find something more interesting to write about, start reading the Great Gatsby, & to not eat any junk food all week.

In other news! Today marks Emmett's 4 month of being alive! & boy is he alive. He's perfected the art of rolling from his back to his tummy, & when he's feeling most enchanted, he'll also roll from his tummy back onto his back. Apparently that latter skill is something he shouldn't be doing for a few more months. Tomorrow is his 4 month appointment & I'm hoping they give us the go ahead on solid foods. I can't wait to experiment making my own baby food & seeing what he likes.

& now a glimpse @ his new trick:

That is all for now!

Question: What is your favorite coffee beverage from Starbucks?

My Answer: I always get a Venti Skinny Sugar-free Caramel Latte. Yum.

1 comment:

  1. Every Christmas my family and me watch the trailer park boys christmas special. This christmas eve my brother and me were so shitfaced we watched it over and over again until 4 oclock in the morning. Ah trailer park boys, such a HOOT!

    Oh and btw your son is a talented man. The ladies will not be able to resist him !;)
