Monday, May 10, 2010

39/40 week appointment

So, if it doesn't happen this week, I honestly don't think it will. I know, I'm being over dramatic.

Today I'm 80% effaced and 2 cm dilated. My midwife seems to think I am in good shape, because my cervix effaced so easily. & that is usually the hardest thing for first time pregnancies. His head is stationed at +1. Which is also good.

I also had my membranes scraped. Apparently this procedure is supposed to hurt like a son-of-a-bitch. I didn't think too badly on it until I got out of the car & walked into Walgreens. After walking a few paces, I suddenly felt as if I had been fisted quite aggressively prior. Very lovely.

I have all of the cramping & bleeding that membrane scraping promises. & I hope it means that I may be going into labor soon.

The cool thing I thought about this procedure was that she could feel his head through my bag of waters. So, at least we know he has a head. & that's a pretty good start, if you ask me.

She seems to be confident that this is my week. & I can understand how she doesn't want to confirm this, because if it doesn't happen I'll just be that much angrier, frustrated, & upset.

Another fun addition to my miserable symptoms is this lovely rash called PUPPP forming on the stretch marks of my stomach. It's harmless to the baby, but can be extremely itchy and uncomfortable for yourself. I was told to use an anti-histamine cream, such as Benadryl, to ease the itching. The only sad thing about this, is that I can't take my favorite sleep-aid while using this product. So what's the point in not itching if I still can't sleep? Decisions, decisions. But the marks as well as the rash are said to leave after he's been born. Thank God.

So right now all I can really do is try to work on inducing labor myself. My friend Morgan (who was actually due yesterday) & I are headed to the mall to hopefully walk ourselves into some labor.

Normally, I wouldn't want to put myself in a public place where my water could just break all over. But right now, I don't care if I got the damn Pope's shoes wet. So bring it on.

I'll keep you updated like this through out the week, but as for any more fun posts I think I'll save my energy for baby.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really curious about your birth plan and your opinions on c-sections and epidurals and circumcision. If you're interested in talking about it.
    A year ago, I started becoming OBSESSED with having a baby, but Mike isn't ready for kids, (for good reason- money, etc) so I started researching and planning what I wanted.
    So I really like hearing about other people's plans and ideas and opinions, now.
