Monday, April 5, 2010


& here they are! The AFTER! photos! I do want to apologize for most of them turning out so blurry, but my camera refused to act nice and it is very obviously time for a new one. I honestly probably could of taken these with my phone & gotten better results. Alas, I'm lazy & you can still see what it all looks like so, I refuse to do a re-shoot.


Now, all we honestly need, is the baby. 'What are a few of my favorite gifts so far?' you ask? Well, for one is the glider. My Mom & my Dad bought that for us. It's way too comfortable. My second favorite gift is the Baby Things basket Phil's Mom bought for us. It fits one whole box of diapers!

I also will admit that I am extremely jealous of the Graco humidifier we got him. It's way nicer than the one we have in our room. & it shoots out cool air, not stinking hot air. I hate the hot air.

34 weeks & 4 days along. 38 days to go! 2 birthing classes left, & approximately 6 midwife appointments left!

Also, will be adding an 8 month belly photo in the sidebar soon!


  1. you guys did a great job decorating! it looks so cute, perfect for your little guy!

  2. Thank you! It was the most fun I've ever had decorating a room!
