Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tag, I'm it!

I'd like to extend a thanks to Jill for tagging me for this blog!

It works like this... I answer 8 questions given be the tagger, I make up 8 questions, & then I tag 8 people to answer them! Here it goes!

1. do you have any nicknames? inappropriate = acceptable.
Actually, I don't. & I'm more than upset about this because I've always wanted a nickname. Just don't call me Rach. It makes me throw up in my mouth a little.

2. what's the last book you read? (and would you recommend it?)
The last book I read is Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer. I highly recommend reading the book & directly watching the movie afterward, because then you'll appreciate the entire experience.

3. martini. shaken or stirred? Shaken, always. Stirring is so boring.

4. if you could go on vacation anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
If I could go anywhere for a vacation & do anything, I'd want to go to Ireland w/ the Ghost Hunters International crew & investigate a really old & scary haunted castle. & then get drunk.

5. what is your biggest pet peeve? When people waste my time by asking a question seriously even though they are being a smart ass. "So, what do we do if we have to pee & we're on a phone call?" PISS YOUR FUCKING PANTS, what do you THINK you do? Ugh.

6. what is your favorite disney animated movie? (i.e. little mermaid, cinderella, etc.) Lion King, hands down. I used to stuff towels into my pants & pretend I was Nala. AS A CHILD, come on people.

7. what is your favorite little debbie?
Honey Bunz. But I don't eat them often, at all.

8. who is your hero?
Enrique Iglesias, but only because he offered.

& here are my questions...

1.) How did you get the career you have now, & why did you want it?
2.) What was the most awkward moment you've ever been through?
3.) What is your favorite movie, & why?
4.) What is the one food or meal you could eat everyday?
5.) What is the murder weapon, who did it, & where?
6.) Favorite article of clothing, & why?
7.) If you don't have it now, what is/was your dream job?
8.) Favorite game to play as a child?

& here is whom I tag...

Amanda my best internet friend EVER!
Brie my friend from PetSmart whom I promise to go to the Farmer's Market w/ soon!

& I could tag other people but 1.) I'm too lazy & 2.) I'm almost positive they'll do it!

1 comment:

  1. just last week i quoted the lion king. i told someone to hit their husband upside his head with a stick. when he says "what was that for?" tell him "it doesn't matter, it's in the past!" a la rafiki.
