Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Due Date

Today is my due date. May 12th. 40 weeks pregnant.

& I woke up this morning (4 am to be exact) in some pretty bad pain.
Lots of bleeding. Lots of trips to the bathroom. Lots more pain.

By 9 we headed to the Group (where I receive my OB/Gyn care at).
Yesterday around 4 pm I was barely 2 cm dilated, 80% effaced.
Today when I got there, after laboring for a few hours,
I was 3 cm. 90% effaced.

When we were done there, she gave us the option of going to the hospital.
Since I'm opting out of pain medication, we came home to do the painful laboring instead.

I don't think I'll want to be at home any later than 5 pm.
& all I have to say, is that if baby boy is born ON his due date, I would be happier than a clam in the sand.

But to be honest, anything to get rid of this PAIN!

From now on, I'll listen.
When they say, "You'll know when you're in labor." They mean, "You'll know when you're in labor."

Hopefully my next update will be via the hospital wifi!

Pray for us, & wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say congratulations in advance. I know you haven't posted a blog about the baby being born yet, but I doubt you will be able to blog as much now that you have the baby here! I hope you won't leave for good though! I want to see pictures all the time and I hope to have your input about my pregnancy still! Its been a great help. :)
