Thursday, April 8, 2010


What? An 8 month pregnant woman is annoyed? That's so weird.

Numero Uno Ever since our original mid-wife left The OB/Gyn Group, they've been getting my due date wrong. Why does this annoy me? Because they're getting my appointments all messed up. Seriously, I don't care if it's a few days off. YOU are the ones who changed it, I am the one who has to remind you every appointment, WHY can't you just freaking write it down? Whatever, he's going to come when he feels like it, whether or not you idiots finally figure it out.

2 Do the freaking chores ever end? Seriously! Why can't things clean themselves? I can hardly get out of bed without chancing a hernia and I'm all over the damn place trying to keep dust away, cleaning the fish tank, vacuuming. I need a freaking maid. Either that, or I need to teach my "roommates" to clean up after themselves.

three I'm starting to go stir crazy. I'm glad I've had this extra free time to get things done and to rest, but I swear to God one more week in this apartment and I'm going to become an arsonist.

LASTLY That if I somehow out grow my last few pairs of pants that still fit today, I'm going to go naked. Totally naked. Not even a top, because what the hell is the point of wearing a shirt if I have no pants. Why didn't anyone buy me any big comfy pants for my birthday? Christmas? Baby shower gift? Seriously! My son has PLENTY of well fitting pants, and he's not even here yet. What about me?! I still have 5 or less weeks of this obesity and nobody thought, "Hey, let's get RACHAEL some pants. I'm sure the ones she had PRIOR to being pregnant don't fit anymore." Because that would of been 100% more accurate then, "Hey, let's buy her son 50 pairs of sleepers, because he might lose or shit in 49 of them & she'll thank us for the excessiveness."

Okay, I'm done with that for now, mainly because I have a fish tank that needs to be cleaned before I decide to throw myself into labor. Because I sure as hell know that it's not going to magically clean itself.


  1. I may not be 8 months along, but I feel you on the annoyed thing! Today was really bad. Out of nowhere I just felt annoyed and didn't want to speak. I literally tried to do the silent treatment for a good half an hour. Everything that someone said just annoyed me. Not to mention I get super annoyed when the apt isn't clean. I feel like now that I'm pregnant everything seems twice as dirty as it ever did before. Lol.

    Sorry that your due date keeps getting changed! On the plus side, when that baby comes you won't have to worry about counting down the days anymore and you'll be soooo happy! I'm hoping they keep my due date the same, but you never know...I suppose everything is subject to change...

    I'm not looking forward to the pants dilemma. I use a hair tye to keep the button semi-closed on my jeans now because they're too tight to keep buttoned when I sit down...I can't even imagine trying to find pants to fit my big belly when it comes! You poor thing. Make Phil go out and buy you a pair of pants! You deserve it. A nice pair of big, stretchy, comfy pants.

    Is your back hurting yet from carrying the baby? I just imagine since you're a petite girl having all the weight in front would get tough near the end.

  2. I am a complete neat freak. Like, compulsively. When I wasn't pregnant, it was easy. I could clean the entire apartment in like 2 hours, including scrubbing floors, washing the dog, and cleaning the fish tank. Now, I can't bend over after sweeping because the activity gives me terrible cramps and angry Braxton-Hicks contractions.

    As far as your clothes getting too small, try not to sweat it. It sucks, it really does. I've cried about it plenty of times. I have such a small torso, pants fit weird anyway, and I grew out of mine quick. He dropped this past week, and now not even my maternity pants that button fit now. His head descended to where they would snap. lol.

    My back kills me. Phil rubs it as much as he can. I try to lay down on the floor and flatten my back out to relieve the pressure. But, what hurts the most now, is since he's dropped his entire body is pushing again my vagina/cervix. I know, TMI, but seriously. Hahaha. It HURTS & it feels like he's about to fall out! Haha, you still have a good 24 weeks until you have to worry about that!

  3. Lol. Pregnancy is full of TMI, but I'll listen to every bit of it! I need to know what to expect! I don't want things happening and then me freaking out or getting worried. Plenty of good and bad things that come along with carrying a baby for 9 months. :) You will have to post lots of pictures of the baby when you have it. I voted on your baby name poll so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Haha. They were all very cute though names though. I can't wait to see pictures!
